Robert Musser Conducting Fellowship Program


Tacoma Concert Band is pleased to announce the 5th annual “Robert Musser Conducting Fellowship.”  This award will be granted to a band director who exhibits the skills and potential to become a strong musical leader in our community.

The recipient of the Robert Musser Conducting Fellowship will receive the following:

Mentorship:  One academic year of personalized coaching from the Tacoma Concert Band conductor. These sessions will address areas such as:
a) conducting and rehearsal techniques
b)    music selection and score study
c)   instrument pedagogy
c)    classroom observation and feedback

Resources: In addition to receiving mentorship from the conductor, the recipient will be encouraged to utilize members of the Tacoma Concert Band as resources. Possible areas could be grade-level music selection, instructional strategies, or classroom instrument clinics.  

Performance: The recipient will have the opportunity to rehearse and conduct a music selection during the Tacoma Concert Band performance season at the Pantages Theatre.

Stipend: The recipient will be awarded $1,500 to be used for professional development.

If you are interested in this opportunity and meet the requirements, please submit an application.  Applications must be received by April 18, 2025.
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The applicant must:

1) Be an active band director from Western Washington teaching secondary band (Middle, Junior, or Senior High School) at the time of application.

2) Participate in coaching sessions with the Tacoma Concert Band conductor at mutually convenient times.

3) Attend Wednesday night Tacoma Concert Band rehearsals. (To be arranged with the Tacoma Concert Band Conductor).

Applications must be submitted by April 18, 2025. 


Tristan Roush: 2021-2022
Matt Wasson: 2022-2023
Stephen Pickard: 2023-2024
Jay Gillespie: 2024-2025 (current)

Members Only